Industry trends

Introduction of small rotary drilling rig

Date:2020-05-18 15:24:40 Source:小型旋挖钻机 Author:旋挖机 Click: 23次

In recent years, due to its excellent performance and affordable price, Shandong's small rotary drilling rig has won the favor of the engineering construction team, ranging from the construction of engineering buildings to the construction of towns and villages, and the advantages of rotary drilling rig have really changed the concept of pile foundation construction.The highly automatic control system and advanced construction design scheme make the work that used to take more than two months to complete, now it only takes six days to complete,It can not only save the labor cost, but also greatly shorten the construction time of the project. With such high efficiency, it is really a "tool for drilling money". Now all engineering teams are inseparable from the construction of rotary drilling rig.

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